For those of you who believe that, believe too that every theory has a crack in it! When you buy yourself that dream home, and want to make those few changes before – or even after – you move in, so that its tailor made perfect for you, do it right.
Any major renovations done to a home requires a building permit. Painting, hard wood flooring, bathroom remodelling. Finishing a basement. Building a deck. Anything that tweaks structure, electricals or plumbing, requires a permit. And there is an Inspector for each, who must be satisfied that changes are made according to a strict building code. Utility companies need to authorize where posts can be dug for deck support, and of course it needs to be a floating deck, or you are back to needing a permit.
What happens if you do get a permit? Your property value increases, and this reflects in the assessment and consequently your taxes. This could be a deterrent when it comes to selling your home, because Buyers sometime micromanage their financials. Further, should there be any damage or insurance claims made, no company will touch you without first seeing your permit. But you will get a good nights’ sleep. And isn’t that the most important thing?
Oh, and if you think you can do it on the quiet… think again. News travels on a street not unlike jungle drums. All it takes is one phone call to the City, from this well meaning neighbor…